Sanjay Advani, the firm’s General Manager.
“Slimtrim will help one achieve her desired weight in a short time. It has ingredients that are scientifically proven for their efficacy in weight management therapy. All a user ought to do is eat a balanced diet as she takes the pill and exercise. This is a product from nature and works on your metabolism in a natural and healthy way, without any side effects, “says Dr. Advani.
He says unlike other chemical-based weight loss products, Slimtrim is 100 per cent herbal sourced. “The formulation has been subjected to intense toxicity trials. It prevents the absorption of excess fat while increasing the metabolic rate. It is effective in reducing the conversion of extra calories into fat and facilitates the burning out of extra calories,” he says.
The product is effective in management of obesity also, he adds. Sanjay says the diversification into lifestyle products is part of the firm’s long term growth investment plan. The launch comes as the firm prepares to move into its new and more spacious premises within Industrial area.
Late last year, the drug maker announced it would seek to improve its revenue flows through acquisitions. As part of the strategy the pharmaceutical giant, said it had acquired former Colgate Palmolive’s manufacturing plant in Nairobi’s industrial area. The firm, which is a pioneer in the manufacture of herbal medication in Kenya, has its footprints in Eastern, Central and West African regions.
Slimtrim: The weight loss food supplement that was launched into the local and regional market by the Nairobi-based Beta Healthcare International.